Yareli Cruz
May 17, 2011
Trusted- When people need someone to talk to they can come to me and have the confidence to talk to me about anything.
Honest- I like to speak with the truth because when you lie about something it just leads to another lie and so on.
Mexican- I am a Mexican female. Mexicans are sometimes discriminated and called many stereo-types. But all that we go through just makes us stronger.
Prideful- I have a high inordinate opinion of my dignity. I am too proud, I have to admit that I don’t like to be wrong.
Mysterious- I am like a mystery trying to be discovered / I tell secrets not comments.
Distracted- I get distracted very quick and often especially in school. For example when I’m trying to do class work sometimes I get distracted and I start drawing or doodling.
Impatience- I don’t have patience for almost anything. I get desperate right away, for example when I’m in class I hate being in my seat for a long time, I like to move around.
Thoughtful- I think about a lot of things and have a lot of thoughts throughout the day. Sometimes when I’m in class I wonder off. It’s as if I’m there but not really.
Caring- I care about others for example my family and friends. I care about certain people even though they might not care about me.
Creative- I can create many things, specially since I’m thoughtful… I always think about how certain things would look if you add something to it or take something away from it. For example with graffiti you have to create detailed letters and I’ve been told that I’m very good at that.